Saturday, November 10, 2007

Christmas Goose and this weekend

I had a great shopping time at the Christmas Goose. On the 30th of the month they have 30% off all fabric. AND October was my birthday month soooo I got 20% off everything else. It was awesome. Here are a few pics of my goodies as they wouldn't allow pictures...OK I lied...I did take one pic...but they don't know.
O-K I don't have those pictures darn here are some of the fabrics I bought!

And a pack of Leanne's fantastic patterns for her BOM quilt. I am still organizing my sewing area. These are my some of my yarn piles that I still need to sort.I found several more yards of flannels I didn't remember I had...isn't that horrible? I still love it though and sooo glad I found it.
Baby girl E has been suffering for 2 months with ear infections. Her last bought was this weekend and we are on antibiotic #5. The sweet little girl is miserable and making mommy miserable too. I decided that in between taking care of her, I would sew this weekend. I am not cleaning....just sewing and organizing. I 'hoped' to finish the project I started last night. It is mega EASY. I quilted it myself. Here she is sitting on it. I am half way through the binding. The pattern is Cottonway called 'Bundle up Baby Girl'. I used Moda Allspice jellyroll and the jumbo rick rack I bought at the Christmas Goose. Did I say this was easy? It totally is, I recommend buying the pattern!


  1. Lovely loot!!!!

    So sorry to hear about Baby girl E's ear infection. She's so adorable in this picture. Hang in there!

  2. Wow, some REALLY great stuff there!

  3. I love that quilt at Christmas Goose with the crocheted edges! Every time I am in there I swear I am going to learn to do that. I also love that pattern by cotton way, but I MAY be a little biased seeing as its my mother's. :-) Cute little girl sitting on it too!


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