Thursday, June 02, 2011

gifts of market

Yes little gifts of market.
My roomie Sherri of a Quilting Life totally surprised me with this fun bag.
I love the fabric and have all but one of the prints in my stash...we have the same tastes in fabric :)

And Kim from Bitty Bits and Pieces...gave me a special ring with a magnet on it to hold your pins while you sew.
She has a post on her blog about this ring.

Each of us also made a ring at the booth featuring this system (I don't know the name of the system??).
It was super cute.
Mine broke though....then I remade it..and lost it. I was a total goof.
I was so embarassed...I didn't go back a third time.
And I just want to say thanks to Sherri and Kim for the thoughtful gifts.


  1. Wonderful gifts from Quilt Market. I love the bag your roomie made you. Definitely inspired me to come up with some thoughtful gift for future roomies too. Thanks for sharing. Love it.


  2. That little bag is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

  3. Awesome gifts!!! Those are special friends.

  4. Hope you're recovering well and can get some sewing in soon! Glad you liked the little bag!

  5. Lovely friends, lovely gifts.

  6. Speedy recovery Vickie!

  7. Cute cute little bag! Hope you start feeling better soon!


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